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Nurture Kids Character

It is the parents' influence that is most significant; in terms of what the kids do, and what they don't do.

The parents when failed to set the boundaries for their children they can't expect the kids to be productive adults.To please the kids, when time came for them to say "No" they didn't stand firm to maintain the limits set for the well being of the child, disciplining them will be a major problem in teens. It is very important to train the child the way he should go.

Disciplining the children will hurt them but it will not harm them. Mould them with love while still standing firm in bringing the reality of life by allowing the child to go through the consequences of being disobedient and adamant. It is better to lose the privileges as a child rather than losing a career or marriage as an adult.

Take responsibility instead of blaming

Children usually practice what they learn at home. But sadly many young parents have a serious "disconnect" between teaching on the moral issues, their beliefs and conduct.

The world is slowly breaking up the clinging tendencies of a child towards his or her parents.This shows the importance of parenting and the need to raise great kids. Giving the best foundation by parents to the child helps to make good choices and wise decisions during teen age.

Live in a world of reality

It is not uncommon for the the teens to stay on-line for hours, chatting with one another, or playing games. It would be good if the youths instead of staying up half-the-night chit-chatting, they went to bed at a reasonable hour to rest for the next day's school. So it is important to limit them from watching TV, playing videogames for longer hours and continuous usage of computer engaging in gaming or any social sites.

There is little doubt that some of our Christian young people are addicted to social networking even ignoring the spiritual growth. We should tell the children the importance of attending church services and to worship our Lord. It is important for the parents be a good testimony in everything.

The parents need to enforce a decent communication and be as role models for the children. The children should know how to have good relationship with others without hurting in any way. Help them to choose the best things that can improve their character.

Many of their favorite movies are trash that feature nudity and various other forms of obscenity. The truth is, it is difficult to find a movie these days that a Christian should see. The teens and adults should make proper choices to keep themselves from sinning.

Enjoy in a holy way

Music is something which is enjoyable. It can be used to bring joy and happiness. The kids who are trained well in the Lord by the parents have spiritual growth without any doubt. They use their talents like singing, dancing to worship God and glorify His name joyfully instead of wasting their time, money and energy in Pubs and Night Clubs.

Reap what you sow

Parents should upbring their children with good moral values. Children have accountability to their parents and also their congregation's elders. They must give account for the souls under their oversight. In church when one knows that members of the flock are deeply involved in sin, the elders must be apprised of such.

Further, ministers of Christ are obligated to reprove, rebuke, and exhort their brothers and sisters in God's family - young or old. God will hold us accountable if we do not warn the erring of their error.

Tips for Good Parenting

Give time for your Kids

By giving more of yourself you can become a valuable role model for them to grow into a healthy adult. Far too many children are living with a mom who is unhappy, frazzled and stressed out. Children flourish when they are raised in a home with happy, balanced parents. So we need to make wise choices and put the top priority for our family.

Healthy partnership

A key to good parenting is to have a happy marriage in which children can thrive - a partnership which they can use as a model for their future relationships. Take a stand and put some time into your marriage - for your family's sake! You will develop a good character in your child through your wonderful married life filled with love and passion for one another.

Embrace with love

Tell your kids that you love them and treasure them above all things. Make them understand that they are the greatest gifts from God. Give them hugs and nurture them with loving kindness. Give them healthy foods and provide all their needs.

Promote good lifestyle behaviour

It is necessary for the parents to ensure that their children are getting involved in adequate physical activities, eat healthy foods, go to bed at the right time and have good sleep that will serve throughout their lives to perform better in whatever they do.

Being physically active the children will have good mental health, resistance against diseases and increases their life longevity. The children will be at lower risk of becoming obese, getting diabetes and heart disease. Parents need to encouage their children to join in team sports as it improves motor skills, increases their self - esteem, foster co-operation and teamwork. Development of body strength, intelligence and productivity will be much higher than those kids who are physically inactive when the kids have fun and happily get involved with teamates in various games.

Get your Kids do chores

Some parents think its impossible for the kids to learn to do chores. But instead of us doing all the work for them we can train our kids to do their work themselves. Keeping house (washing dishes, doing laundry, housecleaning, etc.) can teach them basic life skills everyone needs to know. And chores give children the opportunity to contribute to the household in a positive way. Be patient to stand over them for two hours while they clean their room, a job that should have taken just 15 mins. Watch your kids flourish when you guide them to contribute in meaningful ways to you and your family!

Set boundaries

Have rules and limits to train your child in the way he should go. Its not always easy to stick to the boundaries especially when the child is adamant or sensitive or angry. Mould them with love. Make them understand that the pain of remaining without changing is more than the pain of changing. Have them face consequences for being obedient or disobedient. They should know that they are under your care and are depending on you in their life's journey. If they fail to do their chores let them lose their privileges. Let them assume the responsibility for your actions even when the penalties are so harsh. Most of all, be firm to say NO when you know they may hate you for it.

Watch over

When children are going out ask them where they are going, with whom, and at what time they would be back home. Know their friends circle and check whether they are good in academics. Give attention to their needs and give them timely help. See to that they have good health and never ignore their emotional well being for it can spoil their entire system.

Inspire with appreciation

When your kids try to do something better, appreciate their efforts and they will understand well your desires. Each time when they do their chores encourage them to give their best. Children must learn that their parents aren't perfect too.

Be their role models

If you consistently repeat yourself and then don't follow through on what you've said, you are teaching your kids to ignore you without even you knowing it. Later it will be unlikely that they trust you and your words. So, to avoid this situation you can say what you can follow and do what you have said. Be honest with your children. Insist on the importance of telling the truth. Don't make false promises and cause unnecessary disappointments in them. Do what you want them to do and never do those that you don't want them to do. They will learn how to relate with others by observing the behaviour of the parent. Respect others so that they also learn to respect for they do follow your foot steps.

Enjoy as a family

Make sure you lay a proper foundation by giving your kids a happy home. Often play with them and have fun exploring the joy of a lovely home. Make them laugh as much as you can so they their immune system is healthy and good. Prevent conflicts within the family that can drive into serious disharmony in the family.

Have faith in God

Most of us very well know that we are far from being good parents, none of us are perfect. Just trust God and believe that we will be able to do well in handling our kids for they have been given from God who knows all our strengths and weaknesses. Even though it is tough, take it and do it to your best. See your kids as beautiful gifts with bundles of love and not as burdens.

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11

What is wrong with the world today?
It just doesn't have enough God fearing moms and dads.

© Malar Harris