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Salvation Comes From The Lord

God desired to turn Nineveh
Thru' Jonah from their wicked way
But Jonah was afraid to share
God's message with the people there

Jonah ran away from the Lord
To flee as far, he sailed aboard
A great wind blowing on the sea
A strong storm arose violently

Below deck, he wasn't aware
In his deep sleep, he didn't care
To break up soon the ship threatened
The sailors thought, that is their end

The captain said, "Wake up and pray
So we might not perish today."
To find who is responsible
Lots were cast and on Jonah fell

The sailors greatly feared the Lord
Took Jonah and threw overboard
The raging sea and the great storm
Was no more violent but grew calm

A giant fish swallowed him quickly
And kept him safe in its belly
From inside the fish Jonah prayed
For three days and nights where he stayed

Jonah saw the power of God's hand
The fish spat him onto dry land
The Lord said, "Go to Nineveh,
And proclaim to it what I say."

Jonah went to the great city
And proclaimed with authority
God's message went to everyone
The Lord granted them salvation.

© By Malar Harris